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Beyond Clicks: Harnessing The Potential of Artificial Intelligence

🚀 Exciting News! Join us for our next Sip & Learn session at Bus Stop Coffee on January 18th at 8 AM! ☕

🌐 Topic: "Beyond Clicks: Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing"

Discover the transformative power of AI in marketing and take your strategies to new heights! 🚀

👥 Open to all, this session promises valuable insights, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.

🎉 Exclusive for HMP Members: Enjoy complimentary coffee and bagels as you delve into AI-driven marketing.

📅 Save the date and set your alarms! This is an opportunity you won't want to miss. RSVP now to secure your spot.

November 2

SIP & LEARN - Staying on Brand: Navigating the Holiday Season

February 28

February Marketing Mixer